Are you interested in receiving Christ Heart Reiki ® sessions or would you like to enroll in Christ Heart Reiki 2 Day Foundations class? See below for a list of our Teachers & Practitioners.
Please note that there are 3 levels to choose from:
Christ Heart Reiki ® Student Practitioner- Individuals who have completed the 2 Day Foundations class and are in the process of completing the requirements to become certified. As students are in the process of providing a certain amount of Christ Heart Reiki ® sessions to certify, they may offer special pricing on sessions.
Christ Heart Reiki ® Practitioner - Individuals who have completed the 2 Day Foundations class and additionally have completed the requirements for certification (many are in the process of Master/Teacher coursework)
Christ Heart Reiki ® Master Teacher Practitioner- These individuals have completed all the previous requirements. Additionally, they have completed an extensive one on one internship training, including additional hands-on training and are now able to Teach Christ Heart Reiki® Classes.
***NOTE: the level of in-class training ALL Practitioners receive is the same; the difference in level is explained here
For important things to consider when choosing a Christ Heart Reiki Healing Practitioner & what to expect from your CHR System of Cosmic Realignment & Balancing Session
Use the filter below to search the complete list of practitioners
Practitioner Level | Location | Practitioner Name | Profile |
CHR Master Teacher | North Carolina | Toni Dafeldecker | https://www.christheartreiki.com/toni-dafeldecker |
CHR Master Teacher | Virginia | Helen Z. Repper | https://www.christheartreiki.com/helenrepper |
CHR Master Teacher | New Jersey | Mary Andreano | https://www.christheartreiki.com/maryandreano |
CHR Master Teacher | North Carolina | Lisa Lamporte | https://www.christheartreiki.com/lisa-lamporte |
CHR Master Teacher | Georgia | Deborah Johnson | https://www.christheartreiki.com/deborah-johnson |
CHR Master Teacher | Pennsylvania | Mickey Shank Azar | https://www.christheartreiki.com/mickey |
CHR Practitioner | Florida | Ann Regan-jean | https://www.christheartreiki.com/ann-regan-jean |
CHR Practitioner | New Jersey | Angelina Helene | https://www.christheartreiki.com/angelina-helene |